Lorentz Post 11
Mankato, MN
ROTC Scholastic Excellence and Military Excellence Medals and Scholarships
The American Legion is a strong supporter of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs across the country.
During the 2000 Spring Meetings, the Legion's National Executive Committee passed Resolution No. 20, which encourages Legion departments to establish Outstanding JROTC Cadet of the Year programs. And Resolution No. 11, passed during the 2006 Spring NEC Meetings, urges Legion departments, districts and posts to present American Legion ROTC medals to requesting colleges and high schools in their states.
Criteria: A Cadet may receive an award for general military excellence and an award for scholastic excellence for the same school year or for more than one year.
(a) General Military Excellence Award. The Cadet must be in the top 25 percent of the class in academic and ROTC subjects and must have demonstrated outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.
(b) Scholastic Excellence Award. The Cadet must be in the top 10 percent of the class in academic subjects, top 25 percent of the class in ROTC classes, and demonstrated qualities of leadership. The Cadet must actively participate in related student activities, such as student organizations, community activities, and sports.
ROTC Scholarships
Lieutenant Harold James Hobbs Scholastic Excellence Scholarship
Lieutenant Harold James Hobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hobbs of Mankato, enlisted in the U.S. Regular Army on July 8, 1916 and was sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. for training. After basic training, Private Hobbs served with Company I, 9th Infantry Regiment on the Mexican border until May 24, 1917 when he was sent to Syracuse, New York, where he was made a Private First Class and shortly after Corporal. In September 1917, Corporal Hobbs sailed for France and received further training at Solocourt and Iss-sur-tille. In December, Corporal Hobbs was sent to the Army Officer Candidate School at Langres, France. After completing Army Officer Candidate School, he was passed to the Army Specialists School where he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and was attached to the 140th Infantry Regiment and later to Company I, 105th Infantry. With six other officers, Lt. Hobbs was put on the Instruction Staff of the American Expeditionary Force for “showing marked ability and aptitude for instructional purposes.” In July 1918, he and his company were assigned to the British front in Belgium, where, on September 29th, 1918, he was killed in action. His captain’s testimony reads: “He gallantly met his death while leading his platoon against an enemy position at the breaking of the Hindenburg line, after having conducted himself with the utmost bravery during the entire action prior to his death.”
Lt. Harold James Hobbs Scholastic Excellence Scholarship
$500 Senior—MS-IV
$500 Junior—MS-III
Captain George Patrick O’Toole, Jr. Military Excellence Scholarship
Captain George Patrick O’Toole was born on December 24, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. George O’Toole of Mankato. He was a Boy Scout in Troop 24 and attended Loyola High School. George was well known around Mankato as being a charismatic and humorous Irishman. He played football and ran track at Loyola as well as being a member of the school glee club and drama club.
Cadet O’Toole entered West Point as a member of the Class of 1965. Quick-witted, personable, energetic, and enthusiastic, he thrived at West Point as a cadet and leader, but encountered difficulty in the academics. It reflects Pat's dauntless attitude that in spite of four turnout stars, he finished that Plebe year. Classmates and faculty alike were drawn by Cadet O'Toole's dynamic and animated character.
Lieutenant O’Toole graduated from both Airborne and Ranger school before being sent to Alaska in December 1965 where he commanded a 4.2 inch mortar platoon in the 1st Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 171st Infantry Brigade. Later, he joined Special Forces and earned his Green Beret.
Lieutenant O’Toole volunteered for duty in Vietnam. As an A Team executive officer at Moc Hoa for six months, his proficiency in administration, supply, and finance contributed significantly to the successful operation of the unit. Such work, however, was tedious for this man who chaffed at inaction. His letters reflected his concern for the children and orphans in his area, his satisfaction in the job that the Army was doing, and the comradeship he enjoyed with American and Vietnamese Special Forces soldiers.
Following his promotion to captain, Pat commanded Detachment A411 at My Phouc Tay in November 1967. His last letters indicate his acceptance of an extremely challenging and difficult job — but one to which he looked forward. Pat was killed on 12 December 1967 when ambushed by an enemy battalion as he led a search and clear operation, looking for a reported weapons cache.
Those who never knew Pat are unfortunate. Those who knew only the carefree Irishman saw, like an iceberg, just a small part of his character. There were things Pat seldom talked about — his love and respect for his family; his devotion to moral principles and the soldier’s code of ethics; and his tenderness and affection, especially for children. For all his bravado and swagger, these are the qualities that will be remembered of Pat by those who knew and loved him.
Captain George Patrick O’Toole Military Excellence Scholarship
$500 Senior—MS-IV
$500 Junior—MS-III