Lorentz Post 11
Mankato, MN
Americanism Programs
American Legion Baseball is a national institution, having thrived through a world war, several national tragedies, and times of great prosperity as well as great despair.
The league still stands behind the traditional values upon which it was founded in 1925. American Legion Baseball has taught hundreds of thousands of young Americans the importance of sportsmanship, good health and active citizenship. The program is also a promoter of equality, making teammates out of young athletes regardless of their income levels or social standings. American Legion Baseball has been, and continues to be, a stepping stone to manhood for millions of young men who have gone on to serve their country or community, raise families or play the sport at the highest level.
School Awards Program
The Award Medal represents the educational symbolism of the School Award Medal Program and associates it with The American Legion and its purposes. The medal is applicable for award to either boys or girls in the graduating class of senior high schools.
The American Legion School Award Medal Plan is a project of the National Americanism Commission, and is put in effect by Legion Departments, Districts and Posts.
Place emphasis on the development of the qualities of COURAGE, HONOR, LEADERSHIP, PATRIOTISM, SCHOLARSHIP and SERVICE.
Develop those ideals of Americanism among young people which will make them citizens of the highest type.
Give recognition through the award of American Legion School Award Medals to the boy and to the girl who are deemed most worthy of the high qualities of citizenship and of true Americanism.
Lorentz Post 11 also awards a $200 scholarship to the winners from each senior class (Mankato East, Mankato West, Central High School, Loyola Catholic School, & Immanuel Lutheran High School) in Mankato.
Boys State/Girls State
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935 to counter the socialism-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.
American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a separate but similar program for young women called Girls State.
At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.
The American Legion's support for Boy Scouts of America began at the Legion’s first national convention in 1919. Lorentz Post 11 has been the chartering organization for BSA Troop 4 in Mankato since it’s inception in 1919.